Thursday, July 23, 2009

When nursery, doesn’t mean nursery

Spend anytime in retail and you’ll find that intelligent people still ask incredibly stupid questions.

The list of questions I have tried to answer would go on for pages, but today I’ll just share the latest.

I had a guy ask me, in the lumber department, surrounded by 2 X4’s and roofing tar, if we sold canned dog food.

In retail, you are defined as much by what you don’t sell as what you do. You can’t call yourself a home improvement warehouse if you sell milk, eggs and cookies. We may be forced to try it if the economy doesn’t turn around, but for now, we are still making it selling “stick and bricks”.

The best question in recent times, however, came from a woman who wanted to know if we sold Pampers, as in disposable baby diapers. When informed that we didn’t, she appeared perplexed. She simply assumed that since the sign our front indicated that we had a nursery attached to our home improvement warehouse, then of course we sold diapers.

Go figure!

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